
Lyon in Layers

architecture art

Lyon in Layers

Lyon is a city where history remains intact. From ancient mosaics to modern architecture, explore how its past and present seamlessly coexist.

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Château La Coste

architecture art

Château La Coste

Château La Coste blends art and architecture with nature. Sculptures and structures seamlessly interact with the landscape to create a unique and immersive experience.

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Victor Vasarely's Geometric World

architecture art

Victor Vasarely's Geometric World

Join me on a journey through the Vasarely Foundation, where bold geometric art, vibrant colors, and immersive installations bring the vision of Op-Art to life.

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Art and Ayahuasca


Art and Ayahuasca

An exhibit in Paris features the work of artists who express visions of the invisible through ayahuasca.

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Pyramid Evolution


Pyramid Evolution

From paper to steel: detailing the origins of my ever-evolving work with pyramids and their unique transformations.

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